What is Hacking and Hacker - Just a view

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Hacking-and-Hacker What is Hacking??? According to electronic and print media, hacking is an illegal activity done by an illegal person in a illegal manner :( Thanks to the people who worked day in and day out to make hacking a illegal activity. So, what does hacking and hacker real mean.
Hacking: In general hacking is considered as modifying hardware or software to run in a hackers way to get his/her work done. According to some great ones(including black and white hats) hacking is an art which should learn through out your life and practice everyday.

Hacker: This is someone who explore the world in a new way. This enthusiastic is well known for his programming skills and all things related to technical working of computers, Internet and other stuff. But this are not the bad guys who hacks your email or Internet banking accounts.

Generally hackers are of three types they are White Hat Hackers, Grey Hat Hackers and Black Hat Hackers.

White Hat Hackers: These are good guys and they always intended to do good things like making antivirus, firewalls or any hardware or software which makes good to people. These white hats use their skills for ethical purposes and they will not harm other users. These guys are very creative, innovative, inspiring and intelligent. What this guys do is called HACKING.
These white hats are hired by companies, organizations, institutes etc.., to protect/strengthen their network and computer security by finding the vulnerability's through hacking their own systems with all the permissions of their companies or institutes. This is called as White Hat Hacking.

Grey Hat Hackers: These guys are crazy and do both the good and bad things, but they will not harm other users(mostly). They break in to computer networks and systems just to improve their knowledge and to know the working style. But, what these guys doing is considered as illegal because they don’t have any permissions to do the stuff. This is called as Grey Hat Hacking.

Black Hat Hackers: A black hat hacker uses his/her ability to do malicious things like hacking email or Internet backing accounts or personal details etc.., which inturn used to harm by stealing money or confidential data from the victims.These guys are very creative, innovative, inspiring, intelligent and dangerous. The activities done by these black hats are considered as CRACKING and not HACKING. The activities of these black hats some times cost their lives when they are caught by law. Most of the black hats like Kevin D. Mitnick are changed persons and involved in helping people to strengthen their security.

Script Kiddies: I haven’t mentioned them above because they are not hackers. They always wish to be a hacker but they will not keep effort in learning and always try to use hacking tools to get their work done. According to a survey about 90% of these are always try to harm people one or other way. These guys have some knowledge over computers but they only have some or no knowledge over programming or technology skills.

Update: I forgot to say that these so called script kiddies are very very dangerous than gray or black hats, So be careful with them because they are around us trying to crack us.
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