LOCK any folder without Software[win xp]

**To Lock a folder in windows XP without any software. Follow the steps Below.**
1.Make a Folder in C drive rename it as "abc" without quotes.
2.Now open Command Prompt from Start Menu.
3.Type "attrib +s +h C:\abc" without quotes and press
This command will Make your folder invisble and it can not be seen even in hidden files and folders
4.To make it visible again type "attrib -s -h C:\abc"
You can lock any other folder also by changing the location C:\abc to address of your folder.

The options +s is for making it system folder, +h for hiding it. And -s for removing it to be system folder, and -h for unhiding it.

Here is some tricks how to lock a folder by making it look like control panel so that if anybody opens it, he will see control panel. this only works in XP. Doesn't work on Windows 7.

ust append the following string to your folder name including dot(.)

1, .{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}

and press enter. you will see it looks like control panel.
2. if you want to make it hidden,then follow the above mentioned steps..enjoy
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