Funny computer script

****Funny VB Script***

Copy the following code in notepad and save it as “fun.vbs” with inverted comma. And have fun. Actually this code opens notepad and begin to type automatically. Even you close the notepad it’ll keep typing wherever
it finds to type.


Set wshshell = wscript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”) “notepad”


wscript.sleep 400

wshshell.sendkeys “Hi, “

wscript.sleep 400

wshshell.sendkeys “My “

wscript.sleep 400

wshshell.sendkeys “name “

wscript.sleep 200

wshshell.sendkeys “is “

wscript.sleep 400

wshshell.sendkeys “abcd “

wscript.sleep 400

wshshell.sendkeys “efgh. “

wscript.sleep 400

wshshell.sendkeys “If “

wscript.sleep 200

wshshell.sendkeys “you “

wscript.sleep 400

wshshell.sendkeys “don’t “

wscript.sleep 400

wshshell.sendkeys “know “

wscript.sleep 400

wshshell.sendkeys “me “

wscript.sleep 400

wshshell.sendkeys “then “

wscript.sleep 400

wshshell.sendkeys “you “

wscript.sleep 400

wshshell.sendkeys “know “

wscript.sleep 400

wshshell.sendkeys “nobody “

wscript.sleep 200

wshshell.sendkeys “Common, “

wscript.sleep 400

wshshell.sendkeys “man “

wscript.sleep 400

wshshell.sendkeys “you “

wscript.sleep 400

wshshell.sendkeys “must “

wscript.sleep 400

wshshell.sendkeys “know me. “

wscript.sleep 400

wshshell.sendkeys “Hahahaha! “

wscript.sleep 400

wshshell.sendkeys “I “

wscript.sleep 400

wshshell.sendkeys “am “

wscript.sleep 400

wshshell.sendkeys “so “

wscript.sleep 400

wshshell.sendkeys “much “

wscript.sleep 4000

wshshell.sendkeys “fun. “

wscript.sleep 400

wshshell.sendkeys “Well, “

wscript.sleep 400

wshshell.sendkeys “my “

wscript.sleep 400

wshshell.sendkeys “heart “

wscript.sleep 400

wshshell.sendkeys “is “

wscript.sleep 400

wshshell.sendkeys “melting, “

wscript.sleep 400

wshshell.sendkeys “now “

wscript.sleep 400

wshshell.sendkeys “don’t “

wscript.sleep 400

wshshell.sendkeys “cry! “

wscript.sleep 400

wshshell.sendkeys “okay! “

wscript.sleep 400

wshshell.sendkeys “Okay! “

wscript.sleep 400

wshshell.sendkeys “I’ll “

wscript.sleep 400

wshshell.sendkeys “stop “

wscript.sleep 400

wshshell.sendkeys “this. “


Note: To Stop this just open task manager and kill the process called “wscript.exe”
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