Accept many Facebook friendship request at a time

sometimes we skip fb for a long time and thatswhy there we gets lots of friends requests,,and its not possible to accept all the requests one by one,,,,soo dont worry,,apply this method then]

1>Now u can accept many friend requests on facebook with one click..!

Its very simple:

1) Just Log in to facebook

2)Goto this :
3) Click see all button(nw appear all frnd req)

4) Nw goto address bar and put this...

javascript:for (i=1;i<document.getElementsByN
ame ("actions[accept]").length;i++

) {document.getElementsByName ("actions[accept]")[i].click()
and hit OK.

5) Nw a blank blue color window will appear and then u check friend req, nothing will remain all r accepted fastly!

Note: It work mobile and Pc!

I check dis on my mobile its wrking greatly.

Check it and reply if its working!
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