We have already published an Article about the software from which you can download YouTube videos to your computer. You can check our “Trick to download YouTube videos for free” for more info about the software and to get it for free,
Today we are going to explain the “Trick to download YouTube videos ONLINE”. That means you need not have any software to download you tube videos if you follow this procedure.
To download an YouTube video just open the video in YouTube and copy the link of the video then open any of the online video grabbing sites mentioned below(you can also get many sites like this by Googling) and paste the video URL there and press start download , and download it for free.
Video Grabbers :
www.clipconverter.ccHow to convert and download a YouTube video:
1. Paste your YouTube URL at ‘Media URL’ and press Continue.
2. Select the format and the options for the conversion. The default options are for most videos a good setting.
3. Press the ‘Start’ button at the bottom to start the conversion.
4. This may take several minutes. After the conversion is finished you can download the converted file.